Stage III Seminar: Reporting & Communication

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    Stage III – Reporting & Communication for Controllers

    Industry 4.0 / “Internet of Things” and the digitalization that it involves bringing significant changes for all companies. These changes relate not only to the conception and development of meaningful reporting towards creating a digital boardroom, but also the standardization of processes and the development of relevant, dynamic key figures that take into account social media, among other things. Agile project management and controlling will increasingly be a part of everyday corporate life. The growing importance of the controller’s role as a business partner and change agent in volatile times must be reflected in an equally high level of professionalism in social competence.

    Your benefits

    • You complete your controlling instruments with specific methods, which will be needed for change in companies e.g. in the phase of digital transformation: Project management and controlling as well as agile management with dynamic key performance indicators
    • You learn to formulate clear messages, to reduce complexity and to increase the attractiveness of your reports using IBCS® with SUCCESS
    • You will master the relevant controlling tools for standardizing and increasing efficiency of processes – important precondition for the automatization of processes
    • You know the fundamentals of successful communication and informal leadership for a successful business partnering

    English (and also Slovene is possible during teamwork)

     Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar Pascher, Controller Akademie

    Mnenja udeležencev


    Seminar Content

    I. Project controlling

    • Success criteria of a project
    • Phases and key tasks of projects
    • Integration of project planning and corporate planning
    • Project reporting
    • Principle of SCRUM – agile project management

    II. Success factor reporting

    • Receiver oriented business charts and tables
    • Excel hints for implementation
    • With SUCCESS to the International Business Communication Standards (IBCS®)
    • Integrated Reporting

    III. Development of Key Performance Indicators

    • Integration of strategies into the operational business
    • Developing and managing of strategic indicators
    • Applying Balanced Scorecard to personnel controlling
    • Visualizing, optimizing and standardizing of processes
    • Developing process-relevant indicators

    Controller as Business Partner and Change Agent

    • MOVE and change management
    • Cooperation and managing relationship
    • The “Co”-functions in Controlling
    • Fundamental communication models
    • Patterns and improvement of team work
    • Factors influencing the leadership situation and the role of managers
    • Principles of how to secure the transfer of know-how

     Target groups

    Stage III – Reporting & Communication for Controllers is addressed  to managers and employees in controlling, financial accounting as well as in cost accounting, corporate planning, management information systems, business administration and development.

    Stage III Seminar je intenzivni 4-dnevni seminar v angleškem jeziku, ki ga bomo v letu 2023 spet izvedli v Ljubljani. Tudi tokrat ga bo vodil priznani trener Dietmar Pascher iz Controller akademie.

    Termin izvedbe v Ljubljani:  21. – 24. marec 2023
    Prijave zbiramo najkasneje do 3. marca 2023.

    Stage III Seminar je sicer samostojen seminar in se ga lahko udeleži vsak, ki ga ta vsebina zanima. Za tiste, ki želite pridobiti diplomo kontrolerja, pa je Stage III obvezni sestavni del na poti do diplome.

    Za več informacij nas kontaktirajte na

    >> Stage V Workshop: Presentation & Moderation

    >> Diploma

    Kotizacija: 1.600 EUR + DDV

    Kotizacija vključuje: udeležbo na seminarju, vsa gradiva in vaje v angleškem jeziku ter kosila in pogostitve v odmorih.

    Seminar traja 4 dni (torek – petek), vsak dan od 9:00 – 17:30 in v petek do 15:30 ure;

    okvirni urnik bost našli v S3_Timetable2023.pdf.

    Udeleženci lahko v istem hotelu, kjer bo potekal seminar, to je URBAN RING LJUBLJANA tudi prenočijo; za prenočitev poskrbite sami in prenočitev ni vključena v kotizaciji.

    Mesto na seminarju si zagotovite s plačilom kotizacije. Znesek kotizacije nakažite najkasneje do 3. marca 2023 na transakcijski račun št. SI56 0313 8100 0563 229 odprt pri SKB d.d. in vpišite sklic 1516. Račun vam bomo izdali po opravljeni storitvi.

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